Setok: All the girlies BF's here are at other Uni's and none of them have BF's who do computing, what a shame :) nolars: yeah, let's see who's pointer is the largest! > setok: oh, as usual then Setok : though = thou :)))) *** JOIN activated by "Swiftlock #atari" *** Swiftlock ([none] has joined channel #atari hello cajun: hey, lucky bastard! I just notice them all go one by one *** Swiftlock has left channel #atari *** You have new email. Setok : What? oops.. where did that 'gh' come from? > [oh, those finns. always comparing void * ers] cajun: all the prettiest ones lose their 'free' flag in under a month > setok: is that like a free status bit?? nolars: yeah, something like that. All girls have them > chmod u-f girl Setok: Oh they're all taken but their BF's are not around so Cajun the knight in shing White Ada and Unix armour steps into to help halfwit but attractive girlies :) chmod u-rwx girl > Cajun: Ada? Yuch. "I'd love to EXECUTE you, baby" nolars : I like Ada... Ada and Assembler are my two languages :) nolars : 680x0 that is > "Oooh, such a bit Return key you have!" > big "And look at that IO port" "Let me put a 1.44 HD in your drive, girl!" > cajun: been half-way into Ada and back... "Let me connect to your port, dear" > "My Zip disk is bigger than that puny thing!" nolars: Only just started Ada but I really like it.... > cajun: You have more control in C, and better abstracion levels in a functional language. "My 15 Inch could handle your input" (Talking about Monitors) :) if there are any girls at Aggressive 2 they're sure going to have a hard time.. C is great. Except for the lack of proper bitwise operators Setok : I pity *any girl* who comes :) > Too bad I probably wont have a zip disk by then. :( rotating and testing bits would be a nice addition to C nolars/Setok : I've never used C but Ada seems fine... If I wabnt that much contol I use bare metal assembler *** JOIN activated by "ziggy #atari" *** ziggy ( has joined channel #atari > setok: bitfield can do part of that job. re Old man! ;)))) what?!?! old my my ass :) cajun: no C is really great. You get a lot of control, but not the massive jumble in asm code.. C code is incredibly compact, efficient and just really feels good Ziggy: No spring chicken now are you? ;))) nolars: I know, but bitfields are a bit of a 'kludge' oh god, we still on that subject? 'my language is better than yours ' hey > setok: yeah, they lack a lot of power Setok : Hmm, well I still like Ada. I've got to 'cos I'm sutck with it for the next four years :) oops,, wrong keyboard zig: actually, we were just talkgin about how we would chat to a girl before you came girl? where! cajun: they teach Ada there?? you're worse of than me (they teach Pascal here) zig: at our universities lots of 'em Setok : What's wrong with Ada? Apart from that it's not C? ah... all full booked though * NoName is gone (Rec On) - 15 Minute AutoGone. Leave a MSG. * ziggy misses college girls :) cajun: it's not C is good enough. Ada is just very unstandard.. it's a very rare language these days ziggy: See you really are old ;))) * Setok already misses college girls Setok: Not in the American DoD it's not :) lieks to goto local school just to watch :) * NoName is off.. back tomorrow.. or today.. or whatever time it is... zigygy: You dirty old man ;)))) ohh, watching is too painful!